Raspberry Pi

This is a notes post and may not be as easy to follow as a de facto blog post.

Raspberry Pis are tiny Linux computers that are the size of credits cards, or smaller. There's so much you can do with them, from automating your home, to running a computer security lab and more!


I run Raspbian, which is easy to setup on new Pis. But, I like to save time by automating as much of the tedium as I can when getting a fresh one to work the way I want.


  1. Quick configuration
  2. Run setup script

Quick Configuration

We start by running the native configuration wizard just so we can change the login password for the pi (root) user for later logins.

Run Setup Script

Next, we update all of the packages on device, installs curl, and then runs a custom script that I use. The script installs Go, Caddy, Docker, Pyenv, Node Version Manager and ZSH. It also asks whether you want to change the hostname of the device and creates a small .zshrc for you. Remember to run all of this as pi (root).

Note that you can also use https://hivoltage.xyz/... as the host to get the file from.