
This is a notes post and may not be as easy to follow as a de facto blog post.

Using a Multimeter

To measure voltage passing through a load, connect the leads in parallel to the load. To measure the voltage coming from the power source, connect the leads to their respective sides of the power source (+ to +, - to -).

To measure current going to a load, connect the leads in series with the load. To measure current coming from the power source, connect the leads in series next to the source.


Preparing the Iron

When you get a new iron or put on a new tip, you need to tin the iron. To tin it, you need some soldering flux, solder, and a damp sponge.

  1. With the iron OFF, apply a thin coat of flux to the tip of the iron.
  2. Coil some solder around the tip of the iron.
  3. Turn on the iron and let it heat up.
  4. Wait for the flux to burn and solder to melt off.
  5. Continue rotating the iron while applying solder to any needed areas.
  6. Wipe excess solder off of the iron using the sponge.
  7. Turn off the iron and let it cool down.